2. Installation

2.1 Before installing

Before installing DTC, apache MUST be already installed/installable, as well as php4 (and it's cgi command line version (php4-cgi under debian / php-cli under BSD) and the mod_php4 module for apache) and mysql.

Then, you MUST install any mail server PRIOR to install DTC. If you need to install mail daemons after DTC is installed, you will then need to relaunch install script (in /var/lib/dpkg/info/dtc.postinst for Debian users and dtc-install.sh under BSD). Install bind (or any compatible nameserver), make it up and running (be able to resolv and have your /etc/resolv.conf point to Have qmail et and proftpd with mod_sql activated and running. Be ready to have one domain name to use and have it's name server IP points to the server (it can be fake, but beware then that you will have to use tricks to resolve it).

Under BSD or under Debian systems, the dependancy does the stuff to install apache, mysql proftpd, and php4 with all necessary modules and options. But because you can choose what type of MTA you will use (namely QMail/Postfix and Courier/Dovecot/QMail), you will setup them, and then DTC will detect them durring install and modify it's config files.

2.2 Configurating daemons before installing

On all systems, DTC install script will asks some vital questions. Be ready to answer to the following:

- MySQL database hostname
- MySQL root login
- MySQL root password
- A domain name you will use to bind DTC's interface
- The public IP address of the server
- The path were files will be saved for the domains (mail,html) when creating a new account.
- The root admin login/pass you will use with DTC
- etc...

2.2.1 Mysql
By default, most Unix distributions install the MySQL server with no admin password. You have to enter one using this command unther shell prompt:

mysql -uroot -Dmysql

Then issue the following SQL command:
Note: in case of a lost password, you can launch mysqld with "--skip-grant-tables" option.
2.2.2 Apache
You'll have to get your hands dirty editing apache httpd.conf file. Only 1 directives must be set: ServerName. Other directives are happily setup automaticaly by DTC using the Unix tool sed. We consider it's up to distribution's to do that job.

You have to setup a default server name for apache, using the same as what you have setup in /etc/hostname.
ServerName www.example.com
On latest versions, DTC modify itself the httpd.conf. Under debian woody and FreeBSD, you normaly have nothing to do with it.

2.3 Installation under Debian

DTC is not yet in Debian's oficial tree. But it should still work for both Woody, Sarge and Sid flavor of Debian, the installer have been designed to take advantage of them. Before it can once be in it, use the following alternative source in your /etc/apt/source.list:
deb ftp://gplhost.com/debian stable main
This repository also contains compiled versions of qmail-src and ucspi-tcp-src that are given only on source versions on official repositories (for licence problems). It's borring not conveinient, so sorry for not complying to licence...
On that repository you will also find the alternative password check from jedi in a debian package (packaging done by the autor of DTC), and the mysqmail package that contains a pached version of qmail-pop3d for easy log of pop trafic, a logger, and another checkpassword for smtp, all the above using MySQL backend. You will also find usefull debian package like libapache-mod-log-sql (warning for Sarge and Sid: use special package for unstable linked against the good glibc), the sbox-dtc package (this one works on both 3 debian flavor).

Once this repository added, install DTC like other debian packages:
apt-get install dtc

2.4 Installation under RedHat

The actual version of the RPM package for DTC has been done for a 7.3 redhat, but because it is php scripts it should run on all other superior versions. It has been successfully tested under Fedora Core 2.

The RPM package can be downloaded there:


Installation is done like for any other rpm package:
rpm -ivh dtc-VERSION_noarch.rpm
Because it's not possible to ask questions to user before installing a package under RedHat, there is a post-installation script that will be installed in /usr/share/dtc/admin/dtc.rpm-install.sh. Simply launch it.

Please not that because I've had no return at all from redhat team, I didn't test a lot that package. Please send me feedback if you can.

2.5 Installation under FreeBSD

DTC is now integrated in FreeBSD ports collection. FreeBSD users can go in /usr/ports/sysutils/dtc and issue a "make install". After preinstallation is done, you have to manualy launch the setup script (this is the way FreeB works, not my fault) by typing dtc-install (it should be located in /usr/sbin).

Because submitting takes time, the port may be a bit old. You can still fetch latest version in: ftp://ftp.gplhost.com/pub/dtc/bsd

Note that DTC depends on all the ports needed, and even PHP has a special slave port for DTC.

2.6 Manual installation

First download the tar archive at:


Uncompress the archive:
tar -xvzf dtc_VERSION_all.tar.gz
Install uncompressed files:
mkdir -p /usr/share/dtc/etc/zones
mv dtc_VERSION_all/dtc /usr/share
chown -R root:root /usr/share/dtc
chown -R nobody:nogroup /usr/share/dtc/etc
And launch the install script:
The usual questions will be asked to you plus the path of the folowing config file that DTC install need to modify: httpd.conf, proftpd.conf, named.conf.

Verify that your qmail install reflect something close to the following:
qmaild:x:64011:65534:qmail daemon,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/sh
qmaill:x:64015:65534:qmail log,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/sh
qmailp:x:64016:65534:qmail pw,,,:/var/qmail:/bin/sh
If you want to install all by hand without using the install script, here is how to do:

- First, install apache, bind, proftpd with mysql support, and qmail with either mysql support or using the Jedi's checklocalpasswd program for authentification. Already done ? You should either be very fast or have debian system installed !

- Setup the database the way the "create_table.sql" describe it. You can cut-paste this file content in phpmyadmin if you like...

- Create some folders for dtc to store the generated files :
# Create /etc/dtc (conf file), /etc/dtc/data (generated file path)
# and /etc/dtc/data/zone (where named zone files will be stored)
# Folder where dtc will generate it's files for apache, qmail and bind :
mkdir -p /etc/dtc/data/zone
- Make this folder accessible by your web user (it should be either nobody or www-data depending the way things are set up...).

chown -R nobody:nogroup /etc/dtc/data;
- DTC will generate the following files in the /etc/dtc/data folder. You have to either replace package files by a symlink to those files, or include these in the package file. Let's see them one by one. Note that you can change the path to all of them in the config.inc.php.

DTC will generate the folowing files for you : named.zones - named_slave.zones - vhosts.prosites - rcpthosts - virtualdomains - assign - poppasswd

* named.zones or named_slave.zones
Include this file in your named.conf (located in /etc/bind under debian and /etc/namedb under FreeBSD) file using the following syntax :
include "/etc/dtc/data/named.zones";
* vhosts.conf
Include this in your /etc/apache/httpd.conf :
Include /etc/dtc/data/vhosts.prosites
* qmail files
You have to replace the qmail files by symlinks to those files :
rm /etc/qmail/rcpthosts; ln -s /etc/qmail/rcpthosts /etc/dtc/data/rcpthosts;
rm /etc/qmail/virtualdomains; ln -s /etc/qmail/virtualdomains /etc/dtc/data/virtualdomains;
rm /etc/qmail/users/assign; ln -s /etc/qmail/users/assign /etc/dtc/data/assign
If you use the Jedi's checklocalpasswd :
rm /etc/poppasswd; ln -s /etc/poppasswd /etc/dtc/data/poppasswd;
- You have to add the following directives in /etc/proftpd.conf to enable sql control :
# Beware that one is deprecated in newer version of proftpd:
#	UseReverseDNS   off

	IdentLookups    off
# This is specific to mod_sql for proftpd
	SQLAuthenticate on 
	SQLUserInfo     ftp_access login password uid gid homedir shell
	SQLAuthTypes    Plaintext
you can also add the following if you need quota support :
	Quotas          on
	DefaultQuota    50
	QuotaType       hard
	QuotaCalc       on
	QuotaBlockName  Mbites
	QuotaBlockSize  1024000
	User            nobody
	Group           nogroup
	SQLHomedirOnDemand on
You can also add some directives to have FTP accouting done, like the install script does... - Next, you have to put all the dtc php file somewhere in your apache tree so you can browse, click, and enjoy dtc.

2.7 Post-Installation (protection via .htaccess)

By default, a .htaccess file is protecting your admin directory (it should be located in /usr/share/dtc/admin). This file contains something like this:
AuthName "A funny message prompted to user !"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
require valid-user
That means you have to create a .htpasswrd in /var/www. Issue the following command to create it (a prompt will ask for password):
htpasswd -c /var/www/.htpasswd user_name
The -c option create the file. If it's not specified, then the user will be added to that auth file.

Don't forget that the apache directive AllowOverride tells if you can or not use .htaccess file. Please set it to correct value or your admin panel wont be protected and everybody will have access to it (see apache documentation...).

In order to have bind (named) working, you have to edit the 'forwarders' part of the main 'option' derective of named.conf. Fill it with the IP address of an accessible name server (the one of your ISP). Don't forget to set your /etc/resolv.conf with the following value:
Or your server will not resolv correctly.

2.8 Running DTC under a clustered environement

Many people asked me if one day DTC could handle a cluster. The answer is that it was primary written to held all the services in one server only, but it already supports it. This chapter will tell you how to do it. What we will do here is slowly add new servers to a "normal" DTC server, so first of all, setup a box with DTC like you already did. For the purpose of this example, we will say that main server is called smain, with IP address

There is no need here that I explain how to use MySQL in a cluster. Please se mysql.org web site to know more about it. Remember that nearly ALL the services needs that MySQL server, and that this one is realy as critical as the file server itself.

The DNS server
DTC generates automaticaly slave files for slave DNS servers. What you have to do is to setup the IP of the main server. Login into the root DTC panel on smain, and enter smain's IP in the "Slave dns server ip address" wich is for this example. When done, you can ask DTC to generate the named zones. The next step is to regularity (a good choice would be at 1,11,21,31,41,51 of each ours because DTC will generate it's file at 0,10,20,30,40,50) upload the generated file. Do it from smain (the file is called "named.slavezones.conf") to all the slave DNS servers you have. I have a special good feeling with ncftpput wich is rother simple for FTP upload, but you can use whatever technique you want including scp. When this is done, you can schedule the reload of bind each 10 minutes for example at 2,12,22,32,42,52 of each hours. If the MySQL server crashes, then POP3 and apache wont work anymore, but SMTP (without SQL loggin) and DNS should still work so normaly no mail is lost. This is one of the reasons I like a lot more to use that technique over an SQL pluggin for Bind. Here, even if smain is crashed, DNS works and mail is routed.

For SMTP, all is done via generated files in /var/qmail. If you only need to use only one SMTP server, then you can only import DTC's main crontab from smain to the slave SMTP (cron.php). Remove all the stuff that are for other services than mail and keep only the /var/qmail config file generation stuff. Don't forget that because DTC uses a lock flag in the database, the slave SMTP server wont be able to run it's cronjob at the same time as other servers, so twicking the cron time correctly and setuping network clock is not a bad idea.
If you need to have more than one SMTP server, the it will be a bit more complicated as long as DTC is not done for it. The main problem is that once a mail server has finished it's cronjob, it will reset the value of the cronjob table to "not neede to regenerate users". You have to do something that reloads both servers. One good idea is to modify the SMTP's cronjob so that the first server will tell the second to update the same way he did. Anyway, Qmail can handle really a lot of messages, so if you need to do it, then you are good enought to setup the replication of /var/qmail/ and reload qmail concequently by yourself!
For the pop3 it's a lot more easy as long as it does not uses flatfiles but only a SQL connection for auth and traffic loggin (if you use Mysqmail). Because of that, no file replication or daemon reload is needed.

Apache and squid
As you may know, Squid is designed to work in both 2 directions, so it can act as a caching server. The main advantage is that your critical servers are not accessible from the internet, but only in the DMZ, but it also reduce a lot the load on your HTTP servers. The second stage is to have more than one Apache server. To do that, the only thing you have to do is to populate all your servers with the vhosts.conf file and reload using apachectl stop/start when the cronjob asks for it. You can use the same technique as for the SMTP server, and once again, if it's easy to do it with only one HTTP server, it might be a bit more complicated on a cluster (you have to inform via network all the HTTP servers to reload). Once this configuration achieve, the caching server squid can do the load balancing between all you servers (read squid documentation to know how).

The file server
All your customer services will need access to file server exept DNS. Http, ftp, pop3 and smtp serivces all need access to it. What I suggest here is that you mount the same big area in all the servers using same mountpoint for example using nfs. All the servers need is access in read/write with user nobody:nogroup.